Belaf Nap Gang

The small narehate that live in narehate Belaf's house and keep him company, also known as the 'Belaf-chans/chanz' and the 'microscopic little guys'. None of them have names except Pigimuu. It's interesting to think what compelled them to dedicate their lives to keeping Belaf company. I have speculation in that regard...but for now let's just quietly look at the funny little blobs.


Pigimuu has not only a name but a known human form and enough of a role in the story that one can say a little bit about her and speculate about her 'value', but for now, just look at this sausage.

Blue Cat Thing With Crazy Face and A Butt (has several additional amazing nicknames)

Green and Purple things that say Menme (also known as Slippers and Left Menme + Right Menme

Fat Green Caterpillar Thing

Purplish Blue Thing With a Square Face

Blue Thing with a Beak

Pink Round Thing

Brown Round Thing

Yellow Slug Guy

Purple Worm With Big Eyes

(The only shot I can find of it in the anime is in the scene where they're all dissolving after handing over Nanachi's gear, which is very unclear. If anyone knows of another scene where it appears please let me know! The best images I can find of it are in the announcement for the sweatshirt and the villager acrylic stands, which seem to be the same image.)

Additional/Group Shots